
大祺塑膠股份有限公司成立於1989年,位於彰化縣鹿港鎮,專業於塑膠成品之研發與製造。以 嚴格的自我要求、服務品質及技術研發,數十年來不斷的求新、精進、開發,在不斷的進步與 精益求精之精神提高產品品質,期許達到顧客最大滿意度為目標。

目前本公司主要的業務與服務項目為:飲水系統及濾心的製造與開發、各類塑膠成形製品的開發與生產, 並且與許多知名的產商合作、配合〔OEM、ODM、專利新品開發〕。 我們將秉持著服務的精神與嚴格控管品質的理念,自我要求服務品質, 不斷的研發與創新,以研發製造對人類健康有益之產品為職志。 客戶的滿意即是我們前進最大的動力,在全體同仁齊心共同努力,永續經營生產更好、更新的產品是我們最大的榮幸。

Daiich Plastic Co., Ltd. was established in 1989 ; located in Lukang Town, Changhua County, Taiwan. Specialized in manufacturing of various plastic related products with furthermore research and developments. As the expecting to ourselves: We offered the best quality and service, continuously refined developments and upgraded ahead on the quality requirements for over ten years. And, as the goal, we keep to request ourselves to meet with customer's utmost expectations and greatest satisfaction.Our main products and service projects including: All kinds of drinking water system filter.Also welcome OEM , ODM , new product development. We have been cooperated with many well-known companies; whom all are satisfied the co-working with us and have long-term good relationship and will keep to grow up together. We would like to share the fruit of our systemized quality control concept , and innovation of New products that are benefits for human health all over the world.

It's always the greatest power for all our colleagues to move forward is Customer's satisfaction. It's also our pleasure to produce and present the best and newest products to our valuable customers.

大祺塑膠股份有限公司   DAIICH PLASTIC CO., LTD.
Tel:(+886)-4-7722885    Fax:(+886)-4-7722886
50566  彰化縣鹿港鎮草中里草中巷99-1號  E-mail: dai.ich@msa.hinet.net
No 99-1 ,Caozhong Lane, Caozhong Li,Laugane Town,Changhua County 505,Taiwan(R.O.C)
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